Stein Schjolberg was an extraordinary Court of Appeal Judge in Norway from 2010 until August 1, 2013, when he retired. He was appointed as a Judge in 1984 and as the Chief Judge of Moss Tingrett Court from 1994-2010. Until 1984 he served as a prosecutor and Assistant Commissioner of Police in Oslo.
Judge Schjolberg is an international expert on cybercrime, and one of the founders of the global harmonization on computer crime legislation. He was a Fulbright-Hays Scholar at Stanford Research Institute (SRI International) in 1981-1982. In cooperation with INTERPOL he organized the First INTERPOL Training Seminar for Investigators of Computer Crime in Paris, 1981. Judge Schjolberg has served as an expert on cybercrime for several international institutions.
He has published widely on computer crime and cybercrime legislation, in addition to court technology issues. He was appointed by the National Center for State Courts, United States, as a member of the International Think Tank on Global Court Technology in 1999-2001.
Judge Schjolberg was in 2007-2008 appointed by ITU in Geneva as the Chairman of the global High-Level Experts Group (HLEG) on cybersecurity, including almost 100 experts from around the world. The HLEG published two reports in 2008, The Chairman´s Report and the Global Strategic Report on Cybersecurity. Judge Schjolberg was awarded the ITU Silver Medal, in recognition of his contribution as the Chairman of the HLEG.
Judge Schjolberg was the Chair of the EastWest Institute (EWI) Cybercrime Legal Working Group (2010-2013).
He was also a member of World Economic Forum ́s - Partnering for Cyber Resilience (PCR) project (2012-2013)
Judge Schjolberg is the Chair of the International Think Tank on Justice, Peace and Security in Cyberspace (2013-)
A proposal for A Geneva Convention or Declaration for Cyberspace was published in October 2016 by Professor Solange Ghernaouti, University of Lausanne, and Judge Stein Schjolberg, Norway.
See VFAC Review issue 12, 2016, Korean Institute of Criminology,
Judge Schjolberg was a delegate at the INTERPOL Global Cybercrime Expert Group Meeting in Singapore July 5-7, 2017.
He made a proposal for A Geneva Declaration for Cyberspace at the 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, September 13-16, 2017, in Barcelona.
Judge Schjolberg has in 2017 published two books:
The History of Cybercrime 1976-2016 (February 2017);
Cyberkriminalitet (Norwegian text, May 2017)
Judge Schjolberg was in 2018 a speaker at the WSIS Forum 2018 in Geneva and presented his proposal for a UN Treaty on combating online child sexual abuse, and his proposal for A Geneva Convention or Declaration for Cyberspace.
Some of Judge Schjolbergs recent international presentations on cybercrime includes:
2018: INTERPOL-Europol Cybercrime Conference, Singapore (September 18-20)
2018: United Nations WSIS Forum 2018, Geneva, Switzerland (March 19-23)
2017: United Nations UNODC conference in Bangkok, Thailand (October 17-19).
2017: 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Barcelona, Spain (September 13-16)
2017: INTERPOL Global Cybercrime Experts Meeting, Singapore (July 5-7)
2016: International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity, New Delhi, India (November 17-18)
2015: Cyber3Conference Okinawa 2015, Japan (November 7-8)
2014: Cyberspace, Energy & Development - Protecting Critical Energy Infrastructures, ITU, Geneva, (October 10)
2014: INTERPOL-Europol Cybercrime Conference, Singapore, (October 1-3)
2014: Asia Cyber Liability Insurance Conference, Singapore (July 2-3)
2014: Conference on Identity Theft, NorSIS/Oberthur Technologies, Oslo, Norway, (February)
2013: Second Roundtable Meeting on Cybercrime, EWI Brussels Office, Belgium (October)
2013: Europol-INTERPOL Cybercrime Conference, The Hague, Netherlands (September)
2013: Rountable Meeting on Cybercrime, EWI Brussels Office, Belgium (May)
2013: Academy of European Law (ERA), Trier, Germany (February)
2013: Conference on Identity Theft, NorSIS/Oberthur Technologies, Oslo, Norway (February)
2012: International Criminal Law Network (ICLN) Cybercrime Conference, The Hague (December)
2012: World Economic Forum, Cyber Resilience Partnership Conference, Dublin, Ireland (December)
2012: EastWest Institute (EWI) 3rd Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit, New Dehli, India (October)
2012: 13th International Criminal Law Congress, Queenstown, New Zealand (September)
2012: World Economic Forum Workshop, Brussels, Belgium (June)
2012: Academy of European Law (ERA), Milan, Italy (May)
2012: Institute for Law, Science and Global Security - Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA (April)
2011: International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council (ISPAC) of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, Courmayeur, Italy (December)
2011: Academy of European Law (ERA), Trier, Germany (November)
2011: Judge Advocat General in Norway, Oslo, Norway, (October)
2011: Academy of European Law (ERA), Zagreb, Croatia, (October)
2011: Gjovik University College, Norway, (September)
2011: EastWest Institute Second Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit, London, UK (June)
2011: Roles and Responsibilities for Military Lawyers and Department of Defence Lawyers on Cyberattcks, Oslo, Norway (March)
2011: Towards New Legal Appoaches in Cyberspace, Brussels, Belgium (March)
2010: Crime in Virtual Worlds, Department of Justice, Oslo, Norway (June)
2010: EastWest Institute First Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit, Dallas, USA (May)
2010: United Nations 12th Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Salvador, Brazil (April)
2010: EastWest Institute 7th Worldwide Security Conference, Brussels, Belgium (February)
2009: Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt (November)
2009: International Courts, Court Technology Conference (CTC 2009), Denver, USA (September)
2009: World Bank Seminars, Ankara and Istanbul, Turkey (June)
2008: European Network Forensic and Security Conference, Heerlen, The Netherlands (October)
2008: International Conference on Forensic Issues, Riga, Latvia (September)
2008: XVth World Congress of the International Society for Criminology, Barcelona, Spain (July)
2007: The 7th INTERPOL International Conference on Cyber Crime, New Dehli, India
2007: ITU Asian-Pacific Regional Workshop on Cybersecurity and CIIP, Hanoi, Vietnam
2007: The International Criminal Law Network, The Hague, The Netherlands (December)
2007: Digital PhishNet Conference, Berlin, Germany (June)
2007: The International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland (May)
2006: Transnational Crime Symposium, Lithuania (December)
2006: NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Cyberterrorism, Sofia, Bulgaria
2006: The International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland
2006: Information Security Expert Conference, Bucharest, Romania
2006: Council of Europe Meeting of the Cybercrime Convention Committee in Strasbourg (March)
2005: The International Criminal Law Network, The Hague, The Netherlands (December)
2005: The International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland (June)
2005: United Nations 11th Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Bangkok, Thailand
2004: Council of Europe Conference, Strasbourg, France (September)
2004: Council of Europe Conference, Sinaia, Romania (April)
2003: The OECD Cybercrime Workshop, Oslo, Norway (October)
2003: The 13th World Congress of the International Society for Criminology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (August)
2002: The Fifth Interpol International Conference on Computer crime, Seoul, Korea
1999: Conference on International Cooperation to Combat Cyber Crime and Terrorism, Stanford University, USA
1996: The Legal Framework – Unauthorized access to Computer Systems, International Integrity Institute (I-4) Conference, Oslo, Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law, University of Oslo, Norway (August)
Judicial Decision Support Systems
2001: The Seventh National Court Technology Conference (CTC7), Baltimore, USA
2001: Symposium on Judicial Decision Support Systems, Chicago - Kent College of Law, USA
1999: The Sixth National Court Technology Conference (CTC6), Los Angeles, USA
1999: International Workshop, University of Oslo, Norway
1997: International Workshop, University of Melbourne, Australia
Committees and Scholarships
2010- : Chair of the EastWest Institute (EWI) Cybercrime Legal Working Group.
2007-08: Chairman of the High-Level Experts Group (HLEG) on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva
2002-03: Chairman of the Cybercrime Committee in Norway
1999-01: Member of the International Think Tank on Global Court Technology, appointed by the National Center for State Courts, Williamsburg, Virginia
1999-05 Member of the IT Council in the Norwegian Association for Judges
1996-98: Member of the IT (Information Technology) Council for Judges, The Ministry of Justice, Norway
1983-86: Member of the Norwegian Penal Law Council
1983-86: Member of an Expert Committee in OECD, Paris, on Computer Crime legislation
1981-82: Visiting Senior Fulbright-Hays Scholar at SRI-International, Menlo Park, California
1980-82: Consultant to Interpol, Paris on Computer Crime
‣An International Criminal Court or Tribunal for Cyberspace (ICTC) World Economic Forum, Brussels (June 2012)
‣An International Criminal Court or Tribunal for Cyberspace (ICTC) Georgetown University, USA (April 2012)
‣An International Criminal Court or Tribunal for Cyberspace (ICTC) EWI London Summit (May 2011)
‣New National and International Legal Responses to Cybercrime, ISPAC and UNODC, Italy (December 2011)
‣A Global Treaty on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime, Second Edition (February 2011)
‣A Global Protocol on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime (pdf), (November 2009)
‣På vei mot en global protokoll om cybersikkerhet og cyberkriminalitet, Lov&Data Nr.1/2009, pages 32-35 (March 2009)
‣The History of Global Harmonization on Cybercrime Legislation - The Road to Geneva (pdf). (December 2008)
‣Terrorism in Cyberspace - Myth or reality? (June 2007)
‣Datakriminalitet - forberedelseshandlinger som selvstendig forbrytelse, Lov & Data Nr. 3/2007, pages 20-21 (October 2007)
‣Høringsuttalelse til NOU 2007:2- Lovtiltak mot datakriminalitet - Delutredning II; m/ selvstendig lovforslag (2007)
‣Cybercrime - Straffbare handlinger mot den alminnelige orden fred i cyberspace, Norwegian edition (2006)
‣"Harmonizing National Legal Approaches on Cybercrime" - The International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland (2005)
‣The Legal Framework – Unauthorized access to Computer Systems (April 2003)
‣Dommere og domstolers bruk av Internet (2002)
‣Foreword - International Review of Law Computers & Technology, Volume 14, No. 3, pages 277-278 (2000)
‣Judicial Decision Support Systems from a Judge,s Perspective - International Journal of Law and information Technology, Volume 6, Number 2, Summer 1998, Oxford University Press (1998)
‣Datakriminalitet og straffelovgivning – en internasjonal utvikling, Internasjonella aspekter på rettsinformatiken, pages 146-155, (Ed: Andreas Galtung), Norstedts Juridikforlag, Stockholm (1991)
‣Datakriminalitet, Jussens Venner 1988 pages 170-178, Oslo (1988)
‣System Hackers, Nordisk Datanytt, København (1984)
Datakriminalitet og forsikring, CompLex 7/86, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo (1986)
‣EDB og kriminalitet – oversikt og kategorier, Lov og Rett 1983 pages 467-478, Oslo, (1983)
Er det behov for ny lovgivning om EDB og kriminalitet, Lov og Rett 1983 pages 479-487, Oslo, (1983)
‣Computers and Penal Legislation – A Study of the Legal Politics of a New Technology, CompLex 2/83, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, (1983)
‣Computer-assisted Crime in Scandinavia, Computer/Law Journal, Volume II, No. 2, Spring 1980, pages 457-469, Oslo, (1980)
‣Computer Crime in Norway, A Decade of Computers and Law pages 440-459, (Ed: Knut Selmer og Jon Bing), Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, (1980)
‣Datamaskinassistert kriminalitet, Skriftserien for Jus og EDB nr 42, Universitetet i Oslo (1980)
Lectures and reports 1976-1999
‣Datakriminalitet og Internet, Det alminnelige dommermøte, Lillehammer (1995)
‣Computer Crime Report from Norway, The International Academy of Comparative Law, XIIIth Congress, Montreal (1990)
‣The World of the Hackers Computer Crime in Scandinavia, NOCUS International Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, (1987)
‣Trends in Politics on Computer-related Delinquency, The Italian High Court of Appeals, Electronic Documentation Center, Rome (1986)
‣The Policing of Business Enterprises, 20th Biennale Conference of The International Bar Association, Vienna (1984)
‣European Experience of Computer Exposures, TECHNOBANK 84, Geneva (1984)
‣Computers and Penal Legislation, SECURICOOM 1984, Cannes, (Ed: Sedep Paris) (1984)
‣Internasjonale Erfaringer i forbindelse med EDB og kriminalitet, Seminar om EDB og kriminalitet, Hotell Scandinavia, Oslo, (1983)
‣Computer Crime Developments, The First Interpol Training Seminar for Computer Crime Investigators, Paris (1981)
‣Computer Crime Developments, Top Secret 1981, Monaco (1981)
‣Computer-Assisted Crime in Scandinavia, Computer/Law Journal, Volume II, Spring 1980, Number 2
‣Computer Fraud and Abuse, 3rd Interpol Symposium on International Fraud, Paris (1979)
‣Innberetning til Justisdepartementet, etter en studiereise til USA (1976)
Biography of Stein Schjolberg
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